
 The 32 th CIHIE& Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo

2024年5月20日-22日       北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)

展商介绍/Enterprise brief introduction



北京康倍莱医药科技有限公司是专业从事健康产品研发,技术服务、技术转 让、生产销售、展出品牌推广等服务的全国性医药健康产品公司。公司管理团队来 自医药健康产品行业中管理、技术、营销等各领域的有着相当丰厚资历的专业人 士。康倍莱广纳贤才、组建了一支运作高效、充满活力的精英团队,短时间内就使 康倍莱成长为全国医药健康产品行业的一颗闪亮的新星。

Beijing Kangbeilai Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. is a national  pharmaceutical and health product company specializing in health product  research and development, technical services, technology transfer, production  and sales, brand promotion, and other services. The company’s management  team consists of highly qualified professionals from various fields such as  management, technology, and marketing in the pharmaceutical and health  product industry. Kangbeilai has recruited talented individuals and formed an  efficient and dynamic elite team, which has quickly made Kangbeilai a shining  new star in the national pharmaceutical and health product industry.